SAS Base

Fundamentals of Using SAS (part I)

  • Introduction to SAS
  • Descriptive information and statistics
  • An overview of statistical tests in SAS
  • Exploring data with graphics

Fundamentals of Using SAS (part II)

  • Using where with SAS procedures
  • Missing values in SAS
  • Common SAS options
  • Overview of SAS syntax of SAS procedures
  • Common error messages in SAS

Reading Raw Data into SAS

  • Inputting raw data into SAS
  • Reading dates into SAS and using date variables

Basic Data Management in SAS

  • Basic Data Management in SAS
  • Creating and recoding variables
  • Using SAS functions for making/recoding variables
  • Subsetting variables and observations
  • Labeling data, variables and values
  • Using Proc Sort and the BY statement
  • Making and using permanent SAS data files (version 8)

Classic Data Management Problems

  • Merging Data Files via Data Step, Proc SQL
  • Concatenating (stacking) SAS data files
  • Working across variables
  • Collapsing across observations in SAS via Proc Means, Proc SQL , Data Step I , Data Step II
  • Reshaping data from wide to long via Proc Transpose , Data Step
  • Reshaping data from long to wide via Proc Transpose , Data Step


  • Comparing SAS and Stata side by side